Frequently Asked Questions

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This page is dedicated to putting to rest some of the most common myths and misconceptions regarding chiropractic care.

What is chiropractic?

Chiropractic is a healthcare approach focused on diagnosing and treating musculoskeletal issues, primarily spine-related, through manual adjustments. Chiropractors use hands-on techniques to align the spine and promote overall wellness and pain relief.

What is subluxation?

Subluxation, in the context of chiropractic care, refers to a misalignment or dysfunction in the spinal joints that can disrupt nerve communications between the brain and the body. This misalignment can often cause pain, discomfort, and a host of other symptoms. Contrary to some beliefs, it isn’t merely a minor shift in the spinal column; subluxation can profoundly impact your overall well-being.

What is an adjustment?

A gentle, specific “thrust” delivered by hand or instrument. The purpose of the adjustment is to correct your spinal subluxation(s) thus removing the nerve interference in your body.

What causes the sound made during a chiropractic adjustment?

The sound during a chiropractic adjustment results from the sudden release of gas bubbles within joint spaces. This phenomenon, called cavitation, occurs when pressure changes as the joint is manipulated, producing the characteristic popping or cracking noise.

Once you see a chiropractor, do you have to go for the rest of your life?

No, you do not have to see a chiropractor for the rest of your life. Chiropractic care varies based on individual needs. Some look for short-term relief, while others incorporate it into their long-term wellness routine. The frequency and duration of visits depend on your specific health goals and the recommendations of your chiropractor.

Does it hurt to get adjusted?

No, Chiropractic adjustments are typically not painful. However, you may feel some discomfort or mild soreness afterward, which is usually temporary. The adjustment itself should be a controlled and gentle procedure performed by a trained chiropractor to alleviate pain and improve joint function. Communication with your chiropractor is key to ensuring your comfort during the process.

Is chiropractic care safe?

Yes, Chiropractic care is generally considered safe when performed by a licensed and qualified chiropractor. Serious complications are rare, but like any medical treatment, there can be risks. Sharing your medical history and talking openly with your chiropractor is important to ensure the treatment is safe and right for you.

Why should I continue chiropractic care if I do not have any symptoms and I feel better?

Continuing chiropractic care when symptom-free and feeling better can provide long-term benefits. Chiropractors can help maintain spinal health, prevent future issues, and enhance overall well-being. Getting regular check-ups from a chiropractor even when you feel good can help catch problems early before they cause symptoms, which is like staying ahead of health issues to stay healthy.

Is it bad to crack your back or neck a lot?

Frequent self-adjustments, like cracking your back or neck, can lead to problems. Over-manipulation may strain ligaments or exacerbate existing issues. It’s advisable to seek professional chiropractic care for safe and targeted adjustments, rather than relying on self-cracking habits.

Why should I continue chiropractic care if I do not have any symptoms and I feel better?

Just because symptoms disappear, does not mean your subluxations are corrected. Most of the practice members seen in our office have spinal degeneration (decay) which has taken years to develop. The trauma of the birth process, slips, falls, accidents and countless other stresses over the course of your lifetime adversely affect the health of your spine. The longer you wait to have your spine checked by a chiropractor, the longer it will take to correct your subluxations. However, how you choose to use chiropractic care is ultimately up to you. It has been our experience that those who stop care when they are “feeling fine” return with the same health challenge(s) which brought them to our office in the first place…only it’s usually gotten worse. On the other hand, those practice members who commit to long-term, wellness chiropractic care, find their health challenge(s) rarely return and they enjoy a higher quality of life & health.